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WordCitizen - The 'Yippie!' Book's Saga Continues
I’ve just completed a new AudioGuide – ’American Dreams’ – for I have been doing this rather successful series for the past couple of years. After submitting the piece to the portal, I kept on working on it, adding new tracks to the vocals. Then I made a VideoGuide out of it, a 6 minutes long video work. It is the fifth chapter of my ‘TIMEBOOK – Life and Times of DJ NoMore’ video book series, which I started last year. I will show the piece at the Merlin International Theatre, on March 6. It is going to open my monthly (March, April, May) 'WordCitizen' show. It is going to be a free style show (unrehearsed, non imitational, non representational theatre) of talking about actual events, which include arts, literature, religion and politix. I will also talk about my travel experiences in the Americas, Europe, the Caribbean and South East Asia. The "the thinking man's living theatre" - as I call this series of events - is a suitable occasion to talk about my works and current projects also. If I can fill the studio theatre of Merlin (it seats about 80 people) on each Thursday the management is willing to continue with the show into the next season. ............. Mr. László Moldován, the owner of Katalizator Publishers called me with a bad news today evening. He is getting out of the Yippie! book deal with Mr. Gábor Pados (of Golyós Toll Publishers), he said, for he cannot foot the printing costs of about $ 2 500, for the first thousand copies of the book. I am clueless of what to do with the Yippie! book project. Mr. Pados, the original publisher won’t communicate with me. I have not heard from him since he stopped the publishing process some weeks ago. I do not have the money to cover the printing costs. I know many wealthy people, but none of them would sponsor such a project. There are no John Lennon type angels around anymore. Along with William Burroughs he was a generous supporter of the Yippie cause, back in the 1970s.
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