Yesterday I was notified by Zsolt Prieger, one of my collaborators on the 'Yippie!' book that he is leaving the project. My already finished part is so good and complete that he does not feel his work is needed in order to complete the book, he wrote. He gave a different reason to our publisher. To him Zsolt said that he does not like the book's cover, which I designed in tandem with Gaso, the designer of the book. The real reason is that in the past 3-4 months, since the work on the book started he couldn't produce a single page of writing, for he is too busy with his other projects and with his own private life. So I am now left with the task of writing about the music scene of the 1960-70s too, which would have been Zsolt's task. The strange thing is that the idea of writing a book on the yippies was originated by him. At the beginning he was proposing to hold brain storming sessions to help us find ideas and directions. Yet each time in the past months I asked him to meet and talk things over he's never had time to meet. First he went to Spain for a vacation with his girlfriend, after that he started up his DJ project, then came December, when Hungarians traditionally do not work. At the end of December he told me that he can not start the writing of his part before I'd complete mine. I've sent him my completed manuscript on the 2nd of January, after which he promised to me and to our publisher that he'll finish his essay by the end of the month. I kept on supplying him with English language source material and with ideas. Earlier he told me that he understand English, but a few days ago I've learned from our publisher, a childhood friend of his that Zsolt understands no English at all. I don't understand why did he lie to me. If he'd tell me that his English is too poor I'd gladly translate him any documents, interviews, etc, in order to help him complete his writing. So for the next days I'll be writing about the Grateful Dead, MC5, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Country Joe and the Fish, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground and so on, about all the music heroes of my youth. We'll have to submit the full, completed manuscript of the book to the designer by the end of January, because printing must be starting by mid February.
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